Friday, June 27, 2008

The journey...

Today i start this blog and tomorrow i'll be completing 1 full year in KPIT....

Travelling in the time machine it seemed…

Clouds passed by as years were passing by… The sky was as clear as the heart of a 2 yr old. I was lost in my thoughts and gazing at the sky intently. Felt like reaching out to the clouds. My thoughts were floating with them. But something was holding me back.

Myriad of dreams, emotions started disturbing the peace of my soul again. But this time I was determined not to drift away.

I wanted to explore life in its entirety.

Some voices started booming in my ears. Do this, do that, NO, why? How can u? and so on… suddenly I realized my mind was so polluted with the concerns voiced by my people that I just couldn’t think clearly.

Once, I met a person. I met her for some help. According to me, I was simply sharing few things of my life with her. During that small conversation of 15 mins, she screened me in and out. She came out with what really I am, where exactly the problem lies and what I need to do about that. I was dumbstruck. Couldn’t think of anything at that moment.

Later when I was analyzing the situation (out of my habit of thinking too much), I asked myself certain things. How often do I listen to my heart’s voice? When, during the whole day, I’ve even 5 mins when I am all alone and just by myself? And many such questions. Albeit, the answers to all was a big NEVER!!! I realized, I went to her with problems and solutions all readily available with me.

Alas, the angels and demons of my soul are always going to be in contradiction, how foolish of me to doubt the turmoil of my heart. How foolish was it to blame it on the surrounding and people. Soon it the reality struck hard, it was ME all the way…


Pranjali said...

Self Awareness..Indeed..!!

p!q said...

When any one does screening, the output is combination of perceptual experience, shared experience as well the way we put forth our self.
Whatever, if the outcome of screening enabled you to give second thought to the situation with renewed vision, then nothing like it….should always channelize your life making use of such analysis.
What crap have I written … unable to get it now :P